Thursday, October 8, 2009

chick habit

So when i do most of my thinking for my shoots when I’m taking a shower. I was thinking how the lighting in the bathroom would be pretty good cause of the reflective tiles bouncing the light off each other producing really good fill light. Since my bathroom is really, really small placing my lighting was a really big challenge, there was a wall of umbrellas between the model and i so i had to position myself between them very awkwardly. I wanted to get more of an awkward pose out of this picture, and i decided to let her do her own thing with keeping my goal in her mind. She had a variation of poses that weren’t quite right standing up so i asked her if she would do a few sitting, crouching and leaning in the bathtub. The outcome was great, i opened this in photo shop and turned the saturation noticeably high but not so high that it looks bad. Since this picture is a little quirkier i though it brought out the true personality of this photo.

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